A bid to spend £137,000 on a “temporary fix” to improve the evening route from car parks to Fareham Live has been slammed by a Liberal Democrat councillor.

Portchester Wicor’s ward councillor Paul Whittle said the borough council was not spending its money on regeneration but access to Fareham Live. 

He said the operator of Faraham Live, Trafalgar Theatres, should be asked to pay towards the cost for this “temporary fix” of £137,800. 

The money proposed is to signpost, connect and make the journey from north to south Fareham safe, secure and enjoyable, said members.

Councillor Connie Hockley (Con, Titchfield), executive member in charge of leisure and community, defended the move by saying Fareham Live, which opens in October, is at the centre of regeneration.

She said: “Regeneration is not going to happen overnight. We need to get a flow of people going from north to south. We are trying to regenerate the town centre by getting the public to use Fareham Live as well as the facilities in the rest of Fareham – like going for a meal before Fareham Live.”

“We can’t fiddle around. We only have three and a half months to get going. The north-south walkway, as well as other entrances, needs to be made secure and lit.”

Cllr Whittle objected to spending £86,800 for ‘wayfinding’ which includes advertising and signage along with lighting improvements to the existing routes between Fareham Live in Osborn Road, through Fareham Shopping Centre to West Street and Market Quay Car Park.

Of the borough council’s spending, £51,000 will pay for security officers inside Fareham Shopping Town Centre, seven days a week, for customer and shop safety until 11.30pm

A council officer said the council has the flexibility to allow Fareham Shopping Centre to be opened and manned with security if Fareham Live showings end after 11.30pm.

Leader of Fareham Borough Council’s executive, Councillor Simon Martin (Con, Park Gate) said at the July 15 meeting: “We need to address the connectivity issue which is a key part of the regeneration strategy.”

Councillor Joanne Burton (Con, Sarisbury and Whiteley) said: “It wouldn’t be right to ask Fareham Live or Trafalgar Theatres to contribute to these costs. This is the bigger picture of Fareham town regeneration and opening [Fareham Shopping Centre] seven days a week is part of the bigger picture…including the Christmas light switch-on and…scope for the night-time economy. “ 

Councillor Malcolm Daniells (Con, Locks Heath) said access to Fareham Live is important and an anchor for the regeneration of Fareham Town centre.

Cllr Whittle suggested Trafalgar Theatres had benefited from occupying vacant offices in the Fareham Borough Council building, rent-free. 

Mr Wannell said a small management team had been based at council offices as a trial, and it was important for them to understand each other, replicating the approach used to build relationships with the operator as in the case of Fareham’s award-winning leisure facilities.