A Southampton man has been told to "grow up" after he tackled his girlfriend and stole her phone. 

Liam Heinecke poured beer onto his partner before tackling her into a hedge during a struggle in the street. 

The 23-year-old then pushed the woman onto the pavement where he snatched her phone and ran away. 

A group of friends witnessed the incident on their way to the Gordon Arms pub in Portswood. 

The victim later told police that a row had broken out as she said she didn't want to drink anymore, causing Heinecke to try and stop her, the court heard.

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When she later left because she was frightened, he followed her and poured a drink over her. 

Heinecke of Earls Road, Southampton handed himself in to police but denied the offences when interviewed. 

He later pleaded guilty to a single count of robbery - an offence he has a previous conviction for.

Judge Christopher Parker KC, sentencing him at Southampton Crown Court said: "What you did wasn’t really a robbery.

"It was more bullying, controlling behaviour of your female partner who should be protected by you not beaten by you.

"This is obviously wrong. Just stop it. Just grow up. Behave like a man."

He was jailed for 15 months. 

Southampton Crown CourtSouthampton Crown Court

The phone was recovered at Southampton Common and returned to the victim. 

Prosecutor, Keely Harvey said there does not appear to have been any injuries caused but that there "must have been some discomfort and certainly she had been very upset when talking to the police".

The judge added that Heinecke "certainly took it to prevent her calling the police", adding that he "behaved then in a very immature way".

Mitigating Lucy Taylor said: "Credit for guilty plea maybe the most significant mitigation that Mr Heineke has.

"It is hoped that the time Mr Heinecke will spend in custody will allow him to mature.

"He is a fit and healthy young man. He simply fell in with the wrong crowd.

"When he is released he will do better and he does regret what took place on the day in question."