A Southampton MP has reflected on her meeting with the US President as he announced he would not be seeking re-election.

Satvir Kaur, newly-elected MP for Southampton Test, was invited to support Hillary Clinton's campaign for president back in 2016.

She campaigned alongside now-President Joe Biden at a rally in North Carolina, someone she has described as a "remarkable man".

Mr Biden announced on Sunday that he would not be the Democrat party's nominee for President at November's election after weeks of pressure.

Instead, he has thrown his support behind his vice president, Kamala Harris.

Recalling her time with the then-vice president, Ms Kaur, who at the time was cabinet member for communities, culture and leisure at Southampton City Council, said: “President Biden is a remarkable man, who has had the most amazing and impactful career spanning decades.

“Having had the privilege to meet Joe Biden while he was Vice President in 2016, I found him to be incredibly sharp-witted – he made me laugh a lot – compassionate and highly intelligent.

“He is someone that clearly cares about and has worked tirelessly for his country and peace around the world.”

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Southampton Test MP, Satvir Kaur on the campaign trail in the US during the 2016 election (Image: Supplied)

The Southampton politician was given a Presidential sealed badge when she was helping at the rally with the former Vice President – a badge she said she wore with tremendous pride.

Having been subjected to weeks of pressure to withdraw from the US election in November 2024, President Biden – who has been isolating after contracting Covid-19 – confirmed he was withdrawing from the Presidential race.

He said: “It has been the greatest honour of my life to serve as your President.

“While it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder on my term.”

Reacting to the President’s statement, Ms Kaur said: “Putting what is best for your country before yourself is a real mark of leadership, and I wish him well for the remainder of his term as President and beyond.”