A packed passenger ferry was forced to take evasive action after a jet skier crossed its path.

The cross-Solent ferry was on its way into Cowes Harbour when the jet skier, from Southampton, came within metres of its bow.

The ferry's master was forced to make "significant changes" to the steering and power.

Police officers spotted the incident, which happened on August 4, 2023, and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) issued the man, in his 20s, a caution.

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He has become the first jet skier to be cautioned under new watercraft safety laws.

MCA Departmental Inspector Lesley Hopker said: “The jet skier was very remorseful and appreciated that his actions had forced a ferry with many people on board to, essentially, slam on the brakes. 

“At a busy harbour, on the last day of Cowes Week, this could have had serious consequences. It’s a timely reminder that even small watercraft are now covered by maritime law and action will be taken against those breaking the rules.”

The laws have applied to jet skiers since March 31 last year, which enables those who endanger others by using powered watercraft of any size in a dangerous manner to be prosecuted.