Concerns have been raised over plans to turn a former Burton’s into a McDonald’s.

The top issues are over litter, rough sleepers, and preserving the heritage of an iconic building on Gosport’s High Street.

The 1930’s building at 111-112 High Street, Gosport was purpose-built for the former clothing retailer.

READ MORE: Bid to turn former Burton store in Gosport into a McDonald's

Gosport Borough Council (GBC) have received two planning applications, one to convert the lower ground floor into a McDonalds’ restaurant and takeaway, as well as seeking permission for the signage.

During the application process consultees have raised the following concerns.

To tackle littering because of the potential for “higher level of takeaway in the proposal,” Gosport’s planning department suggested that the company be responsible for litter over a greater area outside the fast food outlet.

The principal economic development and regeneration officer, Ian Bridges said the plans propose that employees will go on regular patrols to pick up litter within a 150m vicinity of the restaurant. He suggested: “The patrol area be extended to cover the length of the High Street and the main pedestrian side access points.

The Gosport Society, supporting the application, is concerned over the proposed shopfront having a recessed door on the shop front that would encourage rough sleepers and suggested a change in design frontage to discourage that.

Rachel McMurray from GBC conservation and design said because of the building’s historical connection to retail, social and architectural significance the design and visual impact of the shop frontage was important. 

She suggested the McDonald's fascia board be reduced to the same size as existing Burton’s sign and centralised within the fascia board, the shopfront rebalanced in context of the building front, and the locations of building’s two commemorative stones be preserved. 

A Viewpoint Harbour Road resident concerned over “littering and loitering”, as well as “unhealthy eating,” said: “I thought Britain wanted to promote healthy eating to improve wellbeing and save the NHS money. What we need in Gosport High Street is a good high-end restaurant, not another junk food outlet.”

To be creating jobs for Gosport and bringing people into town is a great thing, said a resident in support of the application. He added: “The old McDonald’s should never have closed.”

The application form states that the 48-seat restaurant will create 30 full-time and 90 part-time jobs, the equivalent of 62 full-time jobs.

To view the plans to change the use of the former Burtons store visit Gosport Borough Council’s planning portal and search reference 24/00139/FULL and for signage 24/00145/ADVT.