Daily Echo readers are being asked to keep a look-out for a beloved pet budgie who has gone missing.

Aaleyah Hussain is frantic with worry following the disappearance of 18-month-old Meeko, whom she has had for just four weeks.

Meeko escaped from a family member's home in Oxford Avenue, Southampton, at around 8.30pm on Tuesday.

Personnel at nearby St Mary's fire station helped search for Meeko, who is white with black speckles and has a blue ring on his left foot.

Described as bigger than other budgies, Meeko escaped after a door was accidentally left open.

After around 45 minutes the search had to be called off for the night as darkness fell.

Fighting back tears, Aaleyah, 38, of Hordle, said: "I haven't slept all night. He's never done this before and I don't think he could cope in the wild.

"My other budgie has bonded with Meeko and is very upset."

Anyone who sees or finds Meeko is asked to email aaleyahhussain18@gmail.com