A car park could be turned into self-storage container units if new plans are approved.

The proposals lodged on behalf of Cubic Services Limited, which has its Boxx Storage store next door, would see 111 self-storage units built on the site currently used as a car park east of Ashley Crescent.

The site, which is currently used by a nearby car showroom, would be used as an extension to the adjacent Boxx Storage - formerly Cubic Storage - store on Portsmouth Road, which currently has over 3,400 square metres of floor space.

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Should the proposals be given the green light, it would bring it up to 4,611 square metres of space.

In the planning statement accompanying the application, the applicant said: “It is clear from experience that a modern self-storage centre will cater for both domestic users and small businesses.

Proposals for the car park to be turned into storage unit siteProposals for the car park to be turned into storage unit site (Image: Cubic Services)

“Although a majority of customers tend to be private individuals, self-storage centres do have an important role in catering for small and expanding businesses.

“For example, a small industrial business, by freeing up space used for storage in its own premises, can maximise operational efficiency and accommodate additional staff.”

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The proposals would provide different sizes of steel units ranging from 4.5 square metres up to 18.5 square metres, with all units being 2.75 metres high.

The application makes it clear though that the proposals for the site, which sits next to a woodland area, would have no impact on the trees nearby.

Proposals for the car park to be turned into storage unit siteProposals for the car park to be turned into storage unit site (Image: Cubic Services)

It said: “For the avoidance of doubt, there will be no impact on the woodland area to the east. The proposed self-storage units have been deliberately sited away from trees.

“The proposals will not result in the loss of any trees. Neither will the proposed direct access units encroach into their root protection areas.”

The plans would see the current entrance to the site on the west side blocked, with a new entrance on the south side.

Regarding any security additions, the statement adds: “The proposals also include a 2.4m black paladin high security fence, along the Ashley Crescent and Portsmouth Road frontages.

“The proposals also include a small electric enclosure cabinet in the northwest corner of the site.”