Baroness Martha Lane Fox, a leading UK business figure and tech innovator, is set to give the keynote address at a major Hampshire Chamber of Commerce event.

More than 200 regional business leaders will be in attendance at the Chamber's Southampton International Boat Show luncheon in September.

The luncheon is an annual event since 1969 and provides a unique networking opportunity at Britain's largest boating festival.

It highlights Hampshire's significant role in the global leisure marine industry.

Martha, who has been the President of the British Chambers of Commerce since 2022, rose to prominence during the late 90s dotcom boom.

The co-founder of and the karaoke business chain Lucky Voice, she also chaired WeTransfer assisting it to achieve B-Corp status.

Lane Fox served as the UK government's Digital Champion for four years, playing a crucial part in the development and launch of the website.

She has been a crossbench peer in the House of Lords for 11 years and is a non-executive director of Chanel.

The Hampshire Chamber is also looking to utilise the luncheon to raise awareness for the lifesaving charity RNLI, which is celebrating its 200th anniversary, and its ties to the boating and sailing sectors.

Ross McNally, Hampshire Chamber’s chief executive and executive chair, said: "We are thrilled that Martha will be joining us for what is shaping up to be a great occasion.

"She has a fascinating story to tell about business success and will no doubt be able to share many first-hand insights to interest and inspire our members and their guests.

"We are proud to have established our signature luncheon as the premier business networking opportunity at the boat show and we plan to make this year's occasion our best yet."