Southampton toddler, Sofia Barnett, will compete in the British Transplant Games in Nottingham.

At just 21 months, and a year after her liver transplant, she will participate in events such as the 25-metre run, ball throw, and bean bag archery from August 1 - 4.

Sofia's mum, Sarah, said: "Sofia was almost eight weeks old when she was diagnosed with the rare and life-threatening disease, biliary atresia.

"At the assessment we were told she had 3-12 months to live without a transplant. We knew there was a shortage of organ donors, so we were keen to explore the live donor route. Luckily her dad, Pete, passed all the necessary tests and Sofia received part of his liver in July last year.

"Happily, both recovered really well and Sofia was discharged from hospital just two weeks after her operation.

"We decided we wanted to go to the games after talking to the parents of other children who have Sofia’s condition. It will be so nice to be with lots of other people that understand what you’ve been through and other children with the same experiences as Sofia."