A Hampshire garden club recently held its annual summer show, which featured more than 200 entries. 

There was a colourful display of flowers, plants, shrubs and grasses, vegetables and soft fruits at the Braishfield Garden Club show on Saturday, July 20. 

The culinary section of cakes, marmalade, jams and chutneys was also well supported. The children’s class this year was to make sweet muffins while the men had to make millionaire’s shortcake.

Two new members, one from the garden club and one from the flower arrangement society, won first prizes for their exhibits. 

There were also four sections in the art and photographic classes with even more entries in the themed category ‘Chilling Out’ than in previous years.

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Braishfield Garden Club summer show (Image: Contributed)

Braishfield Flower Arrangement Society gave added colour to the hall with their arrangements.

This year there were eight classes, two representing anniversaries taking place this year, the 200 Anniversary of the RNLI and the 80th Anniversary of D Day. 

The children from Braishfield School do not need any encouragement to take part. There were four age groups this year with some very colourful and artistic entries. 

Along with the raffle, plant stall and teas it was an afternoon enjoyed by many. The afternoon ended with the presentation of trophies by Fran Henderson, chair of the Braishfield Flower Arrangement Society. 

Treasurer Mike Prince on behalf of the chairman Steve Renvoize, thanked everyone for taking part and attending.

Braishfield Garden Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month (excluding June, July and August) and Braishfield Flower Arrangement Society meets on the fourth Thursday of the month, (excluding August). 

Non-members are always welcome. For more details, visit braishfield.org.