A father-daughter duo have breathed new life into a Southampton institution.

Markus Dov, 47, and his 20-year-old daughter, Esmay, have reopened the historic Engineers Arms pub on Northam Road, a watering hole that closed in 1982.

The pub, with its roots firmly planted in the 1850s, stands as a testament to the evolving character of the city.

(Image: Echo)

Once known as the Victoria Arms, it was a cornerstone of Northam High Street – a thoroughfare that has since been renamed Northam Road.

The pub's transformation into the Engineers Arms is believed to have occurred in the 1870s, a playful nod to its licensee, engine driver Mr J Masters.

(Image: Postcard)

A journey through Southampton's history reveals a fascinating tapestry of ownership for the pub.

Welch’s Lion Brewery acquired the premises in 1876, only to pass the reins to Scrace’s Star Brewery a few years later for the modest sum of £500.

(Image: Postcard)

Subsequently, Strong’s Romsey Brewery took control before the pub ultimately fell under the umbrella of the Whitbread Group.

It was under Whitbread's stewardship that the Engineers Arms, as it was then known, pulled its last pint on January 31, 1982.

(Image: Echo)

For more than four decades, the building lay vacant as an entertainment venue, its character slowly fading into obscurity.

However, it was used as office space and then by a group of dental technicians. Yet, a poignant reminder of its heritage endured; the original "Engineers Arms" signage above the entrance. This long-lasting emblem served as a beacon for Markus and Esmay, inspiring them to revive the pub's storied past.

(Image: Matt Davey, Echo)

Now, as the Engineers Arms once again welcomes patrons through its doors, it carries with it the echoes of bygone eras.

From the clatter of horse-drawn carriages through to the roar of steam engines and beyond, the pub has witnessed the transformation of Southampton.

And as it embarks on a new chapter, it is no doubt hoped by many a Sotonian to be a cherished gathering place for generations to come.