An Italian restaurant raided by police in a drug bust has kept its licence thanks to the co-operation of its new owners.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary reportedly uncovered a “significant” amount of suspected drugs at Puccinis in Shirley Road, Shirley, in early May.

Six people were later arrested on suspicion of being concerned with the supply of Class A drugs.

The restaurant is now under new ownership.

A Southampton City Council licensing sub-committee reviewed the restaurant’s licence at a hearing on Wednesday, July 24, following a request by police.

Councillors considered the details in the force’s written application, with additional representations made at the meeting by PC Lee Scott.

The sub-committee was told that the transfer of the premises licence to the new owners, who were at the hearing, was underway without any objections.

A written explanation of the sub-committee’s decision said: “The new premises licence holder had agreed to conditions required by the police should the licence be allowed to remain.”

It was agreed that the premises licence could continue with additional conditions that had been set out in an email by PC Mark Hawley to the new licence holder.

“The sub-committee was very concerned as to the criminal activity that had been taking place at the premises,” the decision notice said.

“The start point with that level of criminality would be to revoke the licence.

“However, the sub-committee noted the cooperation and steps that had been taken by the new premises licence holder and the police to reach a position of agreement.

“The conditions proposed ensure that all checks will be undertaken and in place prior to the premises re-opening.

“The new premises licence holder satisfied the sub-committee that any future sub-letting will be done only after any prospective tenant has been approved by the police as to suitability to hold a licence.”

The premises licence gives Puccinis permission to supply alcohol and play both live and recorded music from 10am to midnight every day.

The councillors decided the hearing should take place with the press and public excluded, with report papers containing personal details and information on an ongoing police investigation.

A Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary spokeswoman said investigation enquiries in relation to the raid in May are ongoing.

The spokeswoman said: “The six people from Southampton who were arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of class A drugs – a 29-year-old woman and five men aged 18, 22, 32, 34 and 44 – all remain on conditional police bail while our enquiries continue.

"Their bail date is November 3.”