The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

MARC CARTY, 39, of Holmsley Close, Southampton pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention and drink driving on Bitterne Road East, Southampton. He was driving a BMW 320 when he was caught with 77 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35 micrograms. Carty received a one-year community order with a 24-month driving ban. He must complete 120 hours of unpaid work and pay £85 court costs plus a £114 surcharge. 

KIRAN KALIDAS, 28, of Edelvale Road, Southampton admitted to drink driving on Cobden Avenue, Southampton. He was caught with 93 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Kalidas received a one-year community order with 120 hours of unpaid work and a 24-month driving ban. He must pay £85 court costs and a £114 surcharge. 

Read our previous court round-up here

JAYDE RANDALL, 36, of Landguard Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to two counts of theft from a shop. These relate to £106 worth of Scarlet Poppy 50ml Cologne stolen from John Lewis, Southampton and £90 worth of make-up products taken from Savers. Randall was given a two-year conditional discharge and must pay back the value of the stolen goods in compensation. She must pay £85 court costs.

CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS, 34, of Lower Pennington Lane, Pennington admitted to assaulting an emergency worker. He also pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in a public place, namely Lyndhurst Road, Ashurst and obstructing or resisting a constable in the execution of their duty. Reynolds was given a one-year community order with 90 hours of unpaid work. He must pay £85 court costs. 

NATHANIEL COFFIN, 38, of Petworth Gardens, Southampton pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen for analysis in Southampton. Coffin was given a one-year community order with 120 hours of unpaid work and a 24-month driving ban. He must pay £85 court costs plus a £114 surcharge.