Bookworms behind a city library have celebrated the tenth anniversary of their launch.

The Friends of Portswood Library were formed to promote and protect Portswood Library, which faced the threat of closure back in 2014.

A decade on, it's a thriving community asset which has hosted dozens of events and talks and raised thousands of pounds for the library and other charities. 

(Image: JANE RIX)

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A special tenth birthday event featured cake, coffee, and a slide show showcasing the achievements of the group of volunteers. 

A successful 2015 writing competition, in conjunction with the Daily Echo and Chris Packham, celebrated a centenary since Portswood Library opened its doors. 

(Image: JANE RIX)

Macmillan coffee mornings have generated thousands of pounds for the cancer care charity, while the Salvation Army's festive appeal always benefits at Christmas time. 

Southampton University Brass Band have played in the library and book donations have regularly been sent to Kenya. 

Staff and volunteers were joined by former mayor Linda Norris, and the Sheriff of Southampton, Cllr James Baillie for the birthday celebrations. 

(Image: JANE RIX)