A man caught with more than 700 indecent images of children has avoided jail after the judge found him to be someone "who needs help".

Joshua Whittaker, 25, of no fixed abode, was arrested in March 2023 after police were notified that child pornography had been found on his mobile phone, Southampton Crown Court heard.

When officers attended the Southampton property where he was staying, they found a number of indecent images and videos, including several in category A – the most serious.

READ MORE: Paedophile caught with hundreds of child abuse images avoids jail

Prosecuting, Jodie Mittell told the court Whittaker was released on bail while police continued their investigation.

During this time, he was re-arrested on December 12, when he admitted to talking to teenagers on social media platform Snapchat and asking them for indecent images of themselves.

Ms Mittel told the court in total, officers found 169 Category A, some of which were videos, 300 Category B and 277 Category C images: a total of 746 images.

She said: "It is sadly an aggravating feature that he continued to offend while he was on bail after he was first arrested in March 2023. 

"The images included moving images which is an aggravating factor."

But defending, Lucy Conroy told the court Whittaker has been “frank and honest with the police from the very outset”, pleading guilty to his crimes at the earliest opportunity.

She told the court, Whittaker is a “young man struggling” as he “does not have the benefit of a family” and would play games online with people.

She said the 25-year-old who has no previous convictions, remands or warnings is currently unemployed but used to be a delivery driver for a pharmacy, and has had to move into the back of a friend’s car.

Miss Conroy added: “He hopes very much to go back to work as soon as possible. It would not be an understatement to say he is a young man who needs help and probation can give it to him with rehabilitation.”

Sentencing him, James Watson KC told Whittaker that he was someone who was “struggling socially and in other ways”.

He said: “It does appear you are a person who is willing to accept help in dealing with your issues and the sentence I will give you will help you get the help you need.”

Whittaker was given an eight-month custodial sentence, suspended for 18 months. He was given a sexual harm prevention order for ten years as well as a notification requirement for ten years.

He will also have to carry out 30 rehabilitation activity days.