A Southampton couple have launched the first permanent pet first aid classes in the city.

Paige and Charlotte Burton run dog walking and pet care service Buddiepet.

Now former veterinary nurse Charlotte, 36, launched her passion project, after spotting a lack of pet first aid classes in the area.

“We wanted to add to the list of things we have to offer,” Charlotte said.

“I’d gone away and completed all the training courses and apart from the odd pop-up session – or online videos – there was nothing in-person that offered first aid training for pets on a regular basis.”

The pair introduced their opening first aid class on Sunday, August 4, with further monthly classes taking place at Woolston Community Centre.

Animal lovers can learn basic first aid skills and CPR, as well as learning how to bandage a pet.

They are also taught how to identify symptoms of poisoning.

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Charlotte said: “It’s something everyone can get involved with and although in an ideal circumstance we’ll never have to use these skills, we might need them if our pets become unwell or injured.

"You could be in the woods in the middle of nowhere walking your dog and all of a sudden you need to spring into action.

Animal lovers join pet first aid classes (Image: Charlotte Burton)

“There are so many animal lovers out there and we feel we can help educate people and help them.”

Charlotte’s first aid classes have seen the introduction of a CPR dummy called Kasper, allowing participants to practice their CPR training.

“It can be harder than it looks,” said Charlotte.

“It is rewarding though, and we hope the sessions can make a real difference, ensuring people’s pets are safe during an emergency.

“I think it also helps you to gain confidence and build an even stronger bond with your pet.”