Given Sir Keir's landslide election victory, a man before the election said he would be honest and upfront with the British people.

Why then did he not inform the retired population that within three weeks his government would stop the pensioners' cold weather payments?

I think I know the answer: he possibly wouldn't have gained so many MPs.

Why not start with those people who for years have relied on welfare as a lifestyle choice?

Why not pay their benefits to potential employers who would make up the rest of their salary?

This may help with the shortage of workers in specific workplaces, thus there would be less dependency on foreign labour, plus it may restore their self-esteem and confidence.

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I fully understand in some cases due to illness, disability, etc, people have no choice.

Why start off on a section of society that has helped maintain this great country and paid their taxes?

It seems the pensioners are penalised for living too long.

I fear Starmer now doesn't have to listen to or take into account people's views, given his stomping majority.

This from a Labour leader.

He's come a long way and is far removed from a previous Labour PM, Gordon Brown, when he said British jobs for British people.

I guess in Starmer's world, this would make Mr Brown right-wing.

Funny old game, politics, is it not?

Peter Fallon