A special school where violence between students has increased has been told to improve by Ofsted.

Vermont School in Vermont Close, Southampton, was given the 'requires improvement' rating following an inspection on June 11 and 12.

The report, published recently, said that misbehaviour is an issue for the school, but is being addressed.

“The number of violent incidents at the school has increased recently," the report said.

It added: "Physical interventions by staff are sometimes used to keep pupils safe.

“Although carried out proportionately, leaders rightly recognise the need for these interventions to be reduced through more effective de-escalation and management of behaviour across the school.”

READ MORE: School hit with 'requires improvements' rating from Ofsted

It has been noted that most pupils feel “safe and secure” as they become part of the “Vermont family”.

It said: “All pupils at the school have an education, health and care plan. Pupils appreciate that their teachers get to know them as individuals and understand their needs.

“Although pupils are cared for well, they do not always learn as well as they should. Lessons are often disrupted because behaviour is not always managed effectively.

“Classrooms do not always provide the calm orderly learning environments which pupils need to be able to focus and achieve.

“Unkind behaviour and prejudicial language sometimes happen at the school.”

The report points out that although the curriculum covers a broad range of subjects, it has been developed recently and is still being embedded.

The report said: “Although this is being delivered well, the school is still developing its approach to identifying and supporting struggling readers. In all subjects, teachers assess how well pupils are learning.

“However, they do not always use this information to ensure that their lessons are ambitious and challenging enough.”

Disruption in leadership and staffing is mentioned as an issue and something which has an impact of pupils.

The report said: “This has had a negative impact on the quality and consistency of education pupils have received. The governing body and local authority have commissioned interim support for the school’s leadership team. This temporary arrangement has ensured that the school is beginning to make necessary improvements.”

Vermont School has been contacted for a comment.