Regarding the article "Theme dream out" (Echo, August 10). I am so sad to see that this person's petition (calling for a theme park at the former Toys R Us site) did not get many signatures.

I, for one, would have signed this and so would many of my family and friends as this is something that we have spoken about a lot.

Where would I find the petition? Why did the Daily Echo not broadcast? A theme park is a definite for Southampton.

When we have spoken about this, we all liked the thought of a London Dungeon-type theme but all about Southampton.

We are rich in history. It would bring jobs for the area. We have plenty of students that study drama, art, and design who would benefit, and the local area would be able to access.

Cruise ships could offer excursions which will bring in money. It can be opened all year round. It would be a win-win!

What is the matter with SCC? Daily Echo, you need to get people’s attention on this. It is a missed opportunity, it truly is!

The city has enough student blocks and housing. We want people to come in and see what Southampton has to offer because we have a lot to offer and be proud of.

Jacqui Dixon

Bassett Green