Concern has been raised about a new convenience store being able to sell alcohol near a school.

The proposal for The Granary in Mansion Road, Freemantle, is due before members of the city council’s licensing sub-committee.

Applicant Ratheesh Odalanickal is seeking permission for a premises licence to sell alcohol from 6am to 11pm every day of the week.

READ MORE: Southampton alcohol delivery firm in 'wooden shed' wins licence

The building was previously an office space, however, it is being converted under permitted development to a shop with a two-bed flat on the first floor.

Council planning officers confirmed full planning permission was not required to carry out the changes to the site.

However, the premises licence application requires a sub-committee decision as an objection has been submitted by a member of the public.

The Queenstown Road resident, who lives near the premises, said it is located just 150 yards from a primary school.

The objector said: “Many of the residents in this neighbourhood are young families with children that attend Freemantle Academy.

“Having a shop selling alcohol while the school is open, being so close to the school is not appropriate.

“Many families, including my own, moved to this area for its quiet and safe environment, which could be compromised by the introduction of alcohol sales.”

The resident also raised concerns about a potential increase in crime and rise in traffic as well as setting a precedent for other businesses to sell alcohol in “similarly sensitive areas”.

He added: “Alcohol is already available for sale at the nearby One Stop on Park Road as well as the Co-op on Shirley Road.

“I have personally witnessed aggressive blatant alcohol theft from both locations.”

No objections have been raised by the responsible authorities.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary and the council’s environmental health licensing team have agreed conditions with the applicant in advance of the meeting.

The licensing sub-committee is due to consider the application at a meeting on Wednesday, August 21.