A Ukrainian student studying in Southampton is celebrating his A-level results today despite having to study hundreds of miles away from his family and Home.

Daniel Kuksa fled Ukraine two years ago after the Russian invasion and came to Southampton to study.

Daniel left his home, near Odesa, after Russian troops invaded in February 2022, to live in Southampton with his auntie.

With the war still going on more than two years later, he's now celebrating the results of his A-levels.

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He had been studying over the past two years at Bitterne Park sixth form. 

Daniel said that studying whilst being miles away from his home and family was extremely difficult. 

Despite these challenges, the 18-year-old achieved an A* in Russian, a B in Maths and a merit in IT.

Daniel said: "Studying maths was really difficult. IT and Russian were okay, not too many issues during my studying. 

"The key thing for me has just been to work, making sure you got your study time in before you get close to those exams is really important. 

"It took me hours and hours of work to achieve those grades so I’m really proud.

"My friend Toby (Choi) and I revised maths together which I think really helped me. It’s always better if you can study with a friend I think."

READ MORE: Send us your A-level results day stories

He was joined at his sixth form on Thursday by his mum, who had travelled from Ukraine to support him.

"That really means a lot," he told the Echo.

"I can’t begin to describe how difficult it is been to take these exams being so far away from home. 

"I’m really looking forward to going and studying at the University of Leicester. I will be there for three years and studying engineering."

"My advice to those taking their exams next year would just be work hard - there is no magic to it just lots and lots of study time."