A stalker called his ex-girlfriend a “stupid pig” in a "shameful" period when he also told her: "I am going to kill you."

Sam Weeks, 25, of Buttermere Close, Southampton, tried kicking down his former partner’s door and followed her on several occasions after the breakdown of their three-year relationship.

Southampton Crown Court heard how Weeks had been bombarding the victim with abusive text messages.

This then escalated to calling her derogatory names in the street after passing her in his car and motorbike, on two separate occasions.

Prosecuting, Lucy Taylor said the victim threatened police action after Weeks relentlessly barraged her with messages in August of last year.

“He called the victim a dog and told her to jump off a cliff”, Ms Taylor said.

Southampton stalker Sam Weeks threatened to kill his ex girlfriend in a tirade of harassmentSouthampton stalker Sam Weeks threatened to kill his ex girlfriend in a tirade of abuse (Image: Newsquest)

Shortly after, Weeks appeared on the victim’s home address wielding “a metal object” and started to kick her front door.

Ms Taylor said: “The door was not kicked in, but there was enough force that it caused substantial noise.

“This was at 2pm in the afternoon and he was calling the victim names, screaming at the top of his lungs.

“The victim said the experience was horrible.”

READ MORE: Stalker smashed up partner's home after confronting her in Above Bar Street shop

The court heard how on another occasion the victim was walking home when someone swore at her while calling her “fat".

“The victim then saw the defendant drive past her, before parking up and threatening to ‘smash her head in’.

“Three members of the public intervened and offered the victim a lift home, which she accepted.”

The tirade of abuse continued in September of last year when Weeks told the victim: “You are dead, I am going to kill you”.

In a victim impact statement read out in court, she said she has been walking on eggshells following the harassment.

She said: “This has caused me to have panic attacks and I feel I need to adjust to a new life.

“Weeks has made me feel worthless and I am trying to find my worth again."

Weeks admitted stalking involving fear of violence.

Mitigating, Eleanor Fargin said Weeks is “prepared to comply” and has not “put a foot wrong” since coming pout of prison for a separate offence.

Sentencing, Judge Nicholas Rowland described Weeks’ behaviour as disgraceful.

“You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself”, he said.

Weeks was handed a two-year community order and ordered to complete 60 hours of unpaid work and 10 rehabilitation sessions.

A two-year restraining order was also put in place.