A swimming pool had to be evacuated after a man and a child were injured by falling tiles.

Romsey Rapids' pool was closed on August 13 after the worrying incident, which saw a strip of tiles fall from a bridge above the water.

Scott Phillips, 35, from Fair Oak, had gone to the pool with his wife, four-year-old son and nine-month-old daughter.

READ MORE: Southampton's swimming pools over the years including The Quays

Romsey RapidsRomsey Rapids (Image: NQ)But their session was delayed due to the incident.

He said: "We went down to the pool but initially it was really empty.

"A lady said they got evacuated because some tiles fell down. A whole strip of tiles had fallen down and into the pool.

"My wife saw two people in the first aid room. A man had blood on his head.

"You could see behind the tiles that it was attached to wood.

"We got in about 15 minutes after the start time."

A spokesperson for Places Leisure apologised for the incident, that took place shortly before midday. 

Its statement said: "During our swim session on the morning of 13th August, we can confirm that a number of tiles fell from the bridge above one of the sections of the pool.

"An adult and child received minor injuries and were seen immediately by our first-aid trained staff.

"The safety of our customers and staff is our top priority, we are sorry that this incident occurred and for any distress it has caused.

“The pool was closed for approximately one hour whilst the tiles were removed and the remaining tiles thoroughly checked.

"The pool was then reopened, with the area around the bridge remaining closed as a precaution.

"The whole pool was then reopened on the 14th of August.”

Reacting to what happened, Scott said: "I wasn't too worried because I knew that section was closed - but couldn't help but think what if the others had fallen down?

"It is back open so there is a concern there the the rest will follow suit."