The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

MARTIN ALDER, 36, of Milestone Place, Benson pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen for analysis at Southampton Central Police Station. He was banned from driving for six months and fined £120. Alder must pay £325 court costs. 

DANIEL RANSON, 42, of Meredith Towers, Thornhill pleaded guilty to two counts of possessing a controlled drug of Class A. These relate to crack cocaine and heroin which he had in Southampton. Ranson was fined £80 for each offence and must pay a £64 surcharge. An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs. 

JERRY SKINNER, 35, of Longstock Close, Southampton admitted three counts of possessing a controlled drug of Class A and one count of possessing a controlled drug of Class B. He was caught with cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin and cannabis in Southampton. Skinner was fined a total of £280. An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs. 

SAMUEL CHARLETON, 31, of Sarnia Court, Southampton pleaded guilty to criminal damage on Tremona Road, Southampton after he damaged a milk van belonging to Milk and More. He also admitted two counts of using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress in Southampton. Charleton was ordered to pay £150 compensation and was jailed for eight weeks. 

JACK AUSTIN, 29, of Brunel Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to harassment without violence in that he messaged his victim, called her and attended a pub where she was. He was fined £200 and is now the subject of a two-year restraining order. Austin must pay £85 court costs. 

IAIN TROTT, 55, of Graham Street, Southampton admitted to being drunk and disorderly in a public place, namely Above Bar Street, Southampton. He also pleaded guilty to criminal damage and assault by beating relating to offences in Cornwall. He was fined £50 and must pay £420 compensation.