A man allegedly flashed a 13-year-old girl in a cemetery while she was visiting a relative's grave before he urinated next to headstones.

According to the girl's sister, the incident happened at around 1pm on Saturday - sparking calls from councillors to report it to the police.

The sombre tone of the visit to Eling Cemetery with the woman's uncle and young sister to visit her grandfather's grave was shattered when the man approached them.

The woman, in her 30s, told the Echo: “My little sister, who is just 13 years old, was at in my uncle’s work van next to the grave.

 “Suddenly, me and my uncle heard my sister screaming and shouting my uncle’s name.

“She was shouting that a man had flashed her.”

When the pair came around to the side of the van, where the incident was alleged to have taken place, the man is reported to have started urinating right next to headstones in the graveyard.

The shocked woman continued: “My uncle was obviously furious and went over to confront the man.

“He just stood there with his private parts out, then he just zipped his belt back up and walked away.

“As he did so, he uttered ‘sorry mate’ to my uncle while looking at the floor.

“It made me feel so disgusted that I can't even take my sister to my grandad’s grave for a visit. My sister said that she felt physically sick.”

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Despite the serious nature of this incident, she said she would not be reporting it to the police as she felt ‘they don’t take these crimes very seriously’.

After posting about her experience on Facebook, New Forest District Councillor for Marchwood and Eling, Richard Young, commented: “If not already done so, please ensure that this is reported to police.

“All too often such matters are posted to Facebook but police are not formally notified and are therefore unable to act most effectively.”

Cllr Patrick Mballa is also ward councillor for Marchwood and Eling.

He told the Echo: “Incidents like this are really troubling and we want to make sure everyone feels safe in their local community.

“I would urge this resident to contact the police as this may not be the first time something like this has happened.”