A doctor has been cleared of sexually assaulting two female patients.

Dr Satendra Sharma, 50, appeared in court after he was accused of carrying out 'bogus' procedures on two patients, aged 18 and 19.

One patient accused the doctor of groping her after she visited his surgery and the other said Dr Sharma had unnecessarily touched her during a medical examination.

The trainee GP, who said the touching 'just didn't happen', has been found not guilty of four sex assault charges.

The doctor was accused of sexually assaulting the women while he was a GP specialist at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth and a trainee GP at Whiteley Surgery.

Dr Sharma denied sexually assaulting the two women and said 'the touching just didn't happen', Prosecutor Tom Wright KC told the opening of the trial.

The doctor, from Southampton, denied three counts of sex assault relating to the breast gropes on one patient and one count of sexual assault relating to the other.

After a week-long trial, he has been cleared of all the offences.