The North Church Yard at Romsey Abbey has been transformed into a wildflower meadow. 

The vibrant flowers have been attracting lots of people, with the meadow the result of three months of work. 

Jordan Montague, of Mercer Way, took a selection of photos of the new wildflower meadow.

Cllr Nick Adams-King, leader of Hampshire County Council and Test Valley borough councillor, explained some of the background in a Facebook post.

He said: “If you've not had a chance to visit the Romsey Abbey wildflower meadow as yet, it's really worth taking a few minutes to visit the North Garth and see the wonderful landscape Test Valley Borough Council have created. 

Romsey Abbey wildflower meadow (Image: Jordan Montague)

“Back in May the countryside team along with environmental services began the process of transforming the North Church Yard at Romsey Abbey into a vibrant wildflower meadow. 

“After several years as part of the urban meadows project the meadow at the North Church Yard failed to improve in diversity on its own. The team laid a product known as Meadoscape Pro on top of the existing meadow area. The product is made up of mulch mixed with wildflower seed, giving the seed the best start to begin to grow. 

“Three months on and the church yard has become a colour rich, diverse wildflower meadow, buzzing with life. At the end of the summer the meadow will be cut and collected to allow for fresh growth the following year. At this time any areas that have not established will be reseeded with a complimentary mix to ensure success the following season.”