A teenage boy stabbed in the head at a railway station staggered home and told his mum: "Help me, I’m dying."

The 15-year-old had been at Bitterne railway station with friends when he was attacked with a 12in zombie knife, his mum said.

He managed to get home before collapsing on the driveway where his horrified mum found him.

She told the Daily Echo: "I have never seen so much blood in my life."

A teenage boy was stabbed at Bitterne railway station in Southampton on Saturday, August 17 (Image: Submitted)

The 38-year-old, who the Echo is not naming, said: "One of the boys plunged a 12-inch zombie knife into my son’s head.

“We live nearby so he ran home. When I arrived, I called an ambulance and paramedics were treating him on our driveway until they took us to hospital.

“He was losing a lot of blood, so he was taken to the resuscitation ward at Southampton General Hospital.

“The wound was about two and a half inches deep and embedded into his jaw on the left side. If it was one inch higher, he would be dead.”

Hampshire Constabulary and British Transport Police were called to the incident. A teenage boy, 15, has been arrested.

But the upset mum said she has not received any updates from either force since Saturday, leaving the pair in distress.

“This is poor aftercare from the police for my son and I am livid”, she said.

BTP confirmed its officers are leading the investigation.

The mum added: “It has been extremely stressful, and I am not even the one who has been injured.”

Her son was discharged from hospital on Sunday, August 18, night but must return to have his outer stitches removed.

The excessive swelling on the left side of his face means it is hard to determine the extent of any permanent damage.

The  boy's mum said: “There are still a lot of unanswered questions, but he is traumatised. He has suffered severe psychological damage.

“I want the offender to be dealt with, but I am scared it is not going to happen.

"I am sure the police are doing everything they can, but my son was dying on the floor.”

BTP confirmed an arrest was made after officers were called to the railway station.

A spokesperson said: “We received a report of a stabbing, believed to have occurred at around 2.45pm, at Bitterne station at 3.25pm on Saturday.

“A 15-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of assault occasioning grievous bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon and has been released on bail pending further enquiries.

“A second boy, also aged 15, was taken to hospital from his home address with a non life threatening facial injury.”