The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

GARRY FINNIE, 31, of The Moorings, Fareham pleaded guilty to drink driving on Northam Road, Southampton. He was driving an Audi with 40 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Finnie was banned from driving for 12 months and fined £756. He must pay £400 court costs and a £302 surcharge. 

MARTYN GODDARD, 38, of Cranbury Avenue, Southampton admitted theft from a shop after £14 worth of chocolate was stolen from Sainsbury's in Southampton. He also pleaded guilty to a public order offence. Goddard was fined £40 and must pay £85 court costs. 

BENJAMIN CUTLER, 21, of Osborne Close, Netley Abbey pleaded guilty to drink driving a Ford Fiesta on St Denys Road, Southampton. He was caught with 62 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Cutler was banned for 17 months and fined £300. He must pay £85 court costs plus a £120 surcharge. 

Read our previous court round-up here

IMRAN AHMED, 24, of Carlton Road, Southampton was found guilty of driving without due care and attention on Carlton Road, Southampton. He was on a Lexmoto motorcycle. Ahmed was banned for six months and fined £440. He must pay £110 court costs and a £176 surcharge. 

MICHAEL MCGRANAGHAN, 67, of Bierton Road, Aylesbury pleaded guilty to racially or religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress in Southampton. He was ordered to pay £100 compensation and was jailed for six weeks. 

LEWIS MACLEOD, 31, of Woodside Road, Ringwood admitted drug driving on the M27 at Copythorne. He was banned for 36 months and fined £120. Macleod must pay £85 court costs and a £48 surcharge. 

MARTIN SINGH, 47, of Leyton Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to handling stolen goods at Marks and Spencer in Southampton. He was given a two-month sentence suspended for 12 months. Singh must pay £85 court costs and a £154 surcharge.