HE will be the first feline to conquer Britain’s three highest peaks.

Louis the cat is poised to set his paws on the peaks of England and Scotland's highest mountain this weekend.

Jess Peters, 31, and her partner Dan Taylor, 34, from Sherfield English, will accompany Louis as he clambers up Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis. The Persian moggie, aged seven, summited Snowdon with Jess and Dan in May.

This bank holiday weekend, Louis will attempt Ben Nevis on Saturday August 24 and Scafell Pike on Monday August 26, leaving a day of rest in between.

Louis preparing for his mountain challenge (Image: Contributed)

Dan, landscape gardener, expects each climb to take the entire day, based on their previous Snowdon challenge. They will rent a caravan in order to get as close as possible to each peak, giving them the most amount of walking time.

“We just aim to start as early as possible; we imagine it will probably be a whole day thing for each mountain, but we have planned ahead for that”, Dan said.

Like Snowdon, Louis will summit each mountain independently. Walking a daily average of five to six miles, Jess, aerospace engineer and author, and Dan are confident Louis will be able to handle the extensive walking over the weekend.

Dan said Louis loves walking, some times on a lead and sometimes off: “I don’t know how else to put it really, he’s a bit like a dog in that sort of behaviour, he’ll just walk alongside of us, and he just enjoys his walks."

Due to the success of the Snowdon hike, their preparation looks similar: extending Louis’ daily walks and packing lots of cat food.

However, this time Jess and Dan will be taking more waterproof gear for both themselves and Louis: “Louis does like being out even in the rain, but we want to protect him against the elements as well”, Dan said.

The couple also plan to take a lot more photos during each hike.

To keep track of Louis’ progress over the weekend, head over to his Instagram page @lordlouis_persian.

Alongside funding for the production of Jess’s book, ‘Alchemy Academy’, into a film, Jess and Dan are continuing to fundraise for Cats Protection, a charity close to both of their hearts.

“If anyone has adventure cats like Louis, we highly encourage them to give the mountains a go, it’s great fun, it’s great exercise, and many people will be surprised that their cats often enjoy it!”

To donate, head over to https://www.gofundme.com/f/Sponsored-mountain-adventure