A Southampton MP has described her first month in parliament as a “whirlwind” – but expressed her pride at representing the city in Westminster.

It is fair to say Satvir Kaur has had a very busy summer.

After a packed election campaign, she secured just shy of 16,000 votes to become the new Southampton Test MP and retain the seat for the Labour Party.

In the month that followed she was present for the State Opening of Parliament, spoke in the House of Commons for the first time and was appointed as parliamentary private secretary to Pat McFadden in the Cabinet Office.

Reflecting on her experience since polling day, Ms Kaur told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “Intense but absolutely incredible. It has definitely been a whirlwind.

“You are riding high on adrenaline from the general election and then within hours you get a phone call saying you are due in parliament in the next couple of days.

“Since then it has been absolutely non-stop but the most incredible experience and honour.

“What has been extra special is that there are so many new MPs. It is like starting a new school.

“I liken it to Hogwarts meets a bit of Mean Girls is my experience in the first few weeks. More Hogwarts than Mean Girls I would like to add.”

The former Southampton City Council leader said she had felt the weight of responsibility on her shoulders when walking the corridors in the Palace of Westminster.

She said she felt privileged to be in this position and she was determined to “do a great job and do right by everybody in Southampton”.

Ms Kaur said: “Sitting on those green benches you do feel a real sense of honour and responsibility.

“It is a privilege to serve and I feel so grateful the people of Southampton, my family and friends, my neighbours and our communities gave me the opportunity to represent them and it makes you even more determined.

“I think people are already tired of me talking about Southampton and about how amazing it is. If anyone is going to be biased about our great city, it is going to be me.

“I am definitely one of those people that as soon as I see people, especially ministers and secretaries of state, walking through the corridors I don’t waste an opportunity to talk to them about the needs of Southampton and how we can work together to deliver that. For me, that is why I am there.”

Ms Kaur has lived in Southampton all her life as the daughter of a market trader from the inner city.

She said she has been inundated with supportive messages since being elected, including from old school teachers and residents who did not vote for her.

“My proudest moment is being stopped in the street,” Ms Kaur said.

“It is just really nice when people stop you and say ‘you have done it for all of us and I’m sure you will make us proud’.

“Having parents introduce you to their young daughters and telling them ‘if I can do it, so can they’ makes it all worth it.

“Being born and bred Southampton and having Southampton running through my veins, I very much am a Southampton girl. As a lovely older lady said to me ‘you have always had our back and now we have got yours’.”

The Labour MP said during her time in local government she found it was possible to make a difference to people’s lives and try to change communities, however, she felt “increasingly frustrated” that lasting change could only happen with change nationally.

She added: “I feel so grateful to have the opportunity to be part of the change that is needed nationally, so that local communities can have not just quick fixes but lasting change that is desperately needed right now.

“Labour have got off to a good start and it’s my job to make sure the benefits of change are being felt here locally.”