A town council is objecting to plans for a new extension on a Romsey house, describing them as 'far too big'. 

Applicants called Mr and Mrs Hopkins have applied for ground floor and first floor side extensions and patio to rear at 13 Richmond Lane. 

Romsey Town Council's planning committee discussed the plans and decided to lodge an objection. 

Cllr Russell Theron said: “I think it's very imposing on the next door neighbour. It's a very big extension right on the border of that property. It looks like they haven't been working closely with their neighbours to get the best solution for everyone which I think in planning is quite important. You need to get your neighbours on side because you all live next to each other. It's far too big.”

Richmond Lane plan (Image: TVBC)

Cllr Mark Cooper added: “My feeling is we should object and express our concern that it will create a terrace effect on the street scene.”

One objection has been submitted by a member of the public. 

Caroline Brent, of Richmond Lane, said: “I am very concerned about the planning application. The proposed building comes very close to the boundary and is therefore very close to three rooms downstairs here-an office, study/bedroom and the dining room.

“I have concerns re light issues relating to this. I am also concerned that the roof might extend beyond the building line.”

For more details about the application online, search 24/01850/FULLS on Test Valley Borough Council's planning portal.