The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

ZAYAN MIRZA, 25, of Kent Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to possessing a lock knife in Roman Road, Southampton. He received an eight-week sentence suspended for 15 months with 20 rehabilitation days and 100 hours of unpaid work. The court made an order for the forfeiture and destruction of the knife. Mirza must pay £85 court costs and a £154 surcharge. 

BRIAN OLLEY, 44, of Rollestone Road, Holbury admitted drug driving on Canute Road, Southampton. He was caught with benzoylecgonine in his blood, a break-down product of cocaine. Olley was banned from driving for 12 months and fined £923. He must pay £85 court costs and a £369 surcharge. 

LUMINITA MUSTAFA, 45, of Portswood Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to theft from a shop after £87.87 worth of food was stolen from Tesco Extra in Salisbury. She also admitted failing to surrender to bail. Mustafa was fined £300 and must pay £85 court costs plus a £120 surcharge. 

Read our previous court round-up here

AARON JOHNSON, 25, of Charminster Avenue, Bournemouth was found guilty of being drunk and disorderly at Southampton Central Railway Station. Johnson was fined £440 and must pay £85 court costs. 

DJAMINA CASE, 39, of Millbrook Road West pleaded guilty to four counts of breaching a criminal behaviour order after she approached vehicles owned by people she did not know at Costco, Southampton, Millbrook Road West and Regents Park Road. She also attended a property in Stanton Road, Southampton. Case was fined £80. 

KENNEDY MUZAMHINDO, 41, of Botley Gardens, Southampton admitted drink driving at Botley Gardens, Southampton. He was caught with 43 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Muzamhindo was banned from driving for 16 months and was fined £120. He must also pay £85 court costs and a £48 surcharge.