A care home in which staff “couldn’t do enough" for patients has been rated as good by inspectors.

St Annes Nursing Home was subject to the unannounced CQC inspection between June 13 and 20 this year.

This was prompted by concerns received in relation to the provider managing risks.

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However, no issues were found and the nursing home was found to be delivering a good service on all counts, although the question of effectiveness was rated ‘Requires Improvement’.

The report found that during the assessment inspectors did not find “any evidence of concern, there were effective processes in place to recognise, assess and manage risk, this includes risk related to falls, choking, dehydration and skin integrity”.

The provider was also found to be working “effectively in partnership with other health professionals and worked proactively to reduce risk related to people’s health and medical conditions”.

Relatives told inspectors they felt included in the planning and reviewing of the care provided to their family members and spoke highly of the manager, staff and the service.

The report went on to say: “People told us they felt safe at St Annes and that staff couldn’t do enough for them. Comments included, ‘they treat me like a person’, and ‘before I came here, I couldn’t walk but I can now’.”

Relatives also expressed their feelings and spoke of the improvement their family members have had since being at home.

The report said: “Comments included, ‘Mum uses a frame to move to a chair, it’s such an improvement’, ‘Mum has progressed’, Relatives told us that they always kept informed about their family members care and were involved in developing and reviewing their care plans.

“They felt that managers listened to and acted upon their concerns. One relative told us about how they had been able to go on holiday, something she hadn’t been able to do in the past, as she knew that her mum was safe now that she lives at St Annes.”