A teenager has been arrested after police found a lookalike gun at a house in Millbrook.

Police rushed to the city centre on Saturday after having received reports of a teenager being assaulted on Portland Terrace.

A man is alleged to have brandished a knife towards the victim in the assault, before fleeing the scene.

Having tracked down the suspect, police officers searched an address in Millbrook, and Hampshire Constabulary said they found a number of offensive weapons, mobile devices and drug-related paraphernalia.

An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of a number of offences, including possessing an imitation firearm.

Other offences include assault occassioning actual bodily harm, affray, common assault, possession of an offensive weapon in a public place and being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs.

Police Sergeant Carl Peverill said: "We remain dedicated to keeping the City Centre safe and will maintain a zero tolerance approached to knife crime in the City Centre, anyone with information about those carrying knives in the City Centre, please report on 101, or the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary website.''