A pensioner in Southampton has slammed Tesco after a footpath at the back of the car park was covered in litter, debris and bird droppings.

Keren Davis, 79, shops at the superstore on Tebourba Way every day as it is a short walk from her home.

A staircase at the back of the car park links the store to Oakley Road – where Keren and other customers are then able to walk home.

But Keren, who has lived in Southampton for 39 years, said she constantly noted the staircase being covered in litter, debris from the trees above, and said that the hand rails were covered in bird droppings.

Bird droppings on the handrails of the stairwell Bird droppings on the handrails of the stairwell (Image: NQ) She said the situation got worse over the year and Keren reported the situation to staff on three separate occasions as a matter of public safety – each time with nothing being done.

Keren the Echo: “This issue dates right back to last year when I first reported it to a manager.

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“Nothing was done and this year its only seemed to get worse. Each time I reported its seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Keren Davis, 79Keren Davis, 79 (Image: NQ) “The hand rails are absolutely covered in bird droppings – you know what kids are like swinging on the rails and climbing over them.

“Its just a matter of time before someone gets ill.

“The stairs are also often covered in litter and rubbish – I have seen staff litter pick the car park, would it hurt for the to pick up the litter on the stairs as well.

“If someone tripped from debris from the tree it could also be quite dangerous.”

Tesco superstore, MillbrookTesco superstore, Millbrook (Image: NQ) The national supermarket chain has now issued a statement to Keren and outlined a plan of action to keep the staircase clean, tidy and free of bird muck.

A Tesco spokesperson said: “We’re sorry to hear about this.

“We work hard to keep our stores and outside areas looking clean and tidy and we will be trimming the bushes outside our Southampton superstore and ensuring that the area is regularly checked for debris and litter.”