A furious woman who would be affected by the planned closure of a nursery is begging the council to keep it open.

The woman, who wished not to be named, said Startpoint Sholing has a proven track record of quality educational provision, and its closure would be a loss to the city.

Cash-strapped Southampton City Council is seeking to shut the nursery, which has served the community for more than 20 years, due to dwindling costs.

The authority said there is “sufficient supply” of good quality, inclusive and affordable childcare choices in Southampton.

Meanwhile, Startpoint Sholing is costing the already debt-laden council “more and more each year” and it has “not been possible to identify a financially viable solution for the nursery”.

The nursery in Wood Close was rated ‘good’ during an inspection by Ofsted in November 2019.

“The nursery is situated in an area of deprivation and the number of children with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) is rising,” the woman told the Echo, adding: “Closing this nursery would mean quality places are no longer on offer.”

READ MORE: Council plans to close nursery as ‘draining’ budget ‘not sustainable’

She said it is more than a nursery, labelling it "a hub of the area and further afield, as well as offering excellent support to children’s parents".

“These parents are sometimes very vulnerable, and it takes years to build up a trusted relationship. This has been done over time with Startpoint Sholing.

“Parents send several children as they know they can trust the staff.

“The loss of this hub of trust and sanctuary is huge.”

The woman added: “The staff in the nursery are invested in the community and the children.

“They have knowledge of the area and demographics built up over years. This cannot simply be replaced by new providers.

“The staff are highly skilled and well trained.

“The cost of this cannot be underestimated and although redeployment has been offered it is highly likely that a great deal of this skillset and investment will be lost.”

The nursery is one of 36 in Southampton, and one of 10 in the wider Sholing area.

The consultation for Startpoint Sholing closes on October 18.

Visit www.southampton.gov.uk/council-democracy/have-your-say/startpoint-sholing-day-nursery-consultation to take part in the consultation.

Would you be affected by the closure? Email maya.george@dailyecho.co.uk to speak in confidence.