Solent NHS Trust's MusculoSkeletal (MSK) service recently held its first community assessment day to address appointment backlogs.

The event enabled patients to see multiple healthcare professionals in one appointment.

The innovative event took place at the Adelaide Health Centre in Southampton.

This approach to patient care was previously tested by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.

Patients were given a booklet upon arrival to guide their journey throughout the day.

It helped them document their health issues, help already received, self-management attempts, and the type of assistance they require.

These notes formed discussions at their first stop — a shared decision-making station with a therapist.

Patients then went to other relevant stations based on their detailed conversation.

The event featured five stations in total, including a rehabilitation station where patients were shown targeted exercises to address their problems.

Community partners attending included Active Nation, The Saints Foundation, Solent University Exercise Referral Clinic, Versus Arthritis, Steps 2 Wellbeing and Keeping Pace.

Services provided by Solent included podiatry, a community independence service, persistent pain team, a fibromyalgia service, a bladder and bowel service, and a community engagement team.

Callum Dixon, MSK operational lead, said: "As it was the first time hosting this event, we viewed it as an opportunity to learn.

"Whilst there are a few things we would do differently if repeated, the feedback we received was hugely positive.

"Patients valued being able to see multiple healthcare professionals in a single appointment, and frequently praised the quality of care that they received."

The event welcomed 406 patients, which significantly reduced waiting lists by six weeks.

Mr Dixon added: "This is an incredible achievement and was only made possible by the multitude of people involved in the planning and delivery of this event.

"I will continue to monitor data in the coming months; I am keen to understand the long-term impact on patients, and to our service.

"But right now, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

"I played a small part in bringing people together.

"The success of the day was down to every member of the MSK team, and the Solent and community services who came together to make this possible."