A dog who made a “great escape” to a train station was rescued by police officers.

Max, the fugitive Border Collie, decided to explore Hamble station and the train tracks earlier today.

Officers from Hedge End began a “strenuous trek across a muddy woodland path and heavy rain to try and ascertain the escapee’s location”.

They soon found Max and his worried owner nearby, after a rusty barbwire topped fence stopped him from going any further.

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A spokesperson from the force said: “With trains thundering past and the rain failing we made a Collie size hole in the fence.

“Max then made the leap of faith through the fence back into his owner’s arms and reunited with his favourite squeaky ball.

“PC Stoneley and PC Gowens took Max and his owner in the police van to get back safely to their car and preventing any further adventures for today.

“Our thanks to British Transport Police arrived to assist with the sorting out the fence.”