New Forest residents with Forest Rights can elect two verderers in November.

Eligible voters with an acre of land should register by September 17.

The process involves printing, filling, and submitting a form from

Verderers play an essential role in protecting and controlling the New Forest's unique agricultural commoning practices.

They also help conserve the traditional landscape, wildlife, and aesthetic character of the county.

There will be four polling stations in Lyndhurst, Fordingbridge, Lymington, and Ringwood.

Of the ten verderers, five are appointed, with the remaining five elected on a rotating basis and verderers' roles are entirely voluntary.

On November 26, the two new ones will be elected.

This will also be the end of the current tenure for Elected Verderers Dave Readhead and Graham Ferris.

Voting residents help safeguard the future of the forest, its tranquillity, natural beauty, cultural heritage, and flora and fauna.