Southampton Test MP Satvir Kaur jetted off on paid-for trips to the United States and France worth almost £10,000. 

The register of interests, a system used for MPs to declare earnings on top of their salary, shows Ms Kaur travelled to Washington DC on January 14 this year.

At the time she was still a city councillor and had stepped down from being leader in December last year.

The trip was paid for by Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) - a non-profit public policy think tank in the US. It cost £7,856 including flights, accommodation and meals. 

Ms Kaur said she was part of a delegation that visited the US capital with PPI co-organising the event with Progressive Britain. 

READ MORE: What Southampton MPs earned on top of their salaries 2024

She told the Echo: “This involved a comparative policy analysis between the UK and US. It was great to meet and exchange policy ideas with key decision-makers within Washington DC.”  

Ms Kaur also travelled to France between March 11 and March 14 in a £2,050 trip paid for by MIPIM (RX Global), a real estate marketing event. 

She attended as part of her role as Chair of the Local Government Association. She no longer holds the position.

Her register of interests show she made £18,537 a year from this role up until August 30 for seven hours of work a week. 

This cross-party board is made up of regional leaders from across the UK.

READ MORE: Satvir Kaur MP to stand down as Southampton City Councillor

Ms Kaur added: "The board’s remit includes growth, strategic transport, housing, skills and wider public sector reform.

"This board has existed for many years and I was asked to act as Chair for the past year.

"I’m pleased that much of what we explored, specifically to benefit places like Southampton, is now being integrated within national policy by this new Labour Government.”

She also made £13,900 a year from her role as a councillor on Southampton City Council which took up an estimated 35 hours of her time a week. 

Ms Kaur resigned as councillor for Shirley ward at the end of August.

Several donations linked to Ms Kaur were made by unions and private individuals but received by the Labour Party.

This includes £4,000 from Unison and £2,000 from USDAW.

Private individuals also donated - Gillian Green £5,000, James Southern £5,000, Shere Sattar £10,000 and Richard Hollick £5,000.

Kiwi Education offered accommodation support between March and July 2024, shared with Darren Paffey MP, worth £4,000.

Ms Kaur said: "The donors are sympathetic to Labour’s values and manifesto and wanted to see Labour win in Southampton.

"Some of these donations were used for expenses (leaflets, adverts, letters, etc) during the general election.”