A group of travellers have spoken out after a judge ordered them to leave a field near West End.

As previously reported in the Echo, Judge Anthony Calloway served the group a notice to leave the field east of Burnetts Lane at Southampton Magistrates' Court on Wednesday morning (September 11).

The travellers moved onto the site, also by Chalcroft Way, on August 20.

Shortly after the court order was handed to the group, police attended the site and told the group that they would need to leave by the end of Wednesday.

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The Echo has spoken with the group who said that they feel they have been pestered by the council without being given any alternatives on where to go.

One of the travellers, who did not want to be named, told the Echo: “We have been here for a month now and every single day the council has been down here telling us to move.

"They told us that if we do not leave today, after it has been to court this morning, then council bailiffs are going to come and tow us onto the road.

"We have absolutely no choice but to leave without the council giving us any areas that we are allowed to go, like traveller pitches.

"They should be providing us with alternative places to go, but they don’t.

"To be fair to the council, they have been nice and very friendly with us. They’ve even bought bags with supplies.

"But they have been here every day telling us to pack up and leave without giving us anywhere else we can go."

A spokesperson for Eastleigh Borough Council said yesterday: "As part of our normal procedure for dealing with unauthorised encampments, council officers liaised with the police and visited the Burnetts Lane and Chalcroft Way site last month to request that the encampment vacated the site; the council then served a direction on the encampment requiring them to leave the land.

"As they failed to comply the council went to court to seek an order to remove the encampment, which was served on them this afternoon by our officers.

"We are pleased to say that they have complied and are now in the process of leaving."