An ‘eyesore’ church in Bursledon that attracts vandalism could be converted into three homes with private gardens.

Two years ago, Bursledon Congregational Church submitted a planning application for the change of use of the Methodist Church Hall on School Road into three, three-bedroom, two-bathroom homes with parking and a garage.

However, Eastleigh Borough Council (EBC) refused the application, saying there was not enough evidence that the development wouldn’t be affected by flooding, that it had insufficient parking spaces, and there was not enough information about the impact on bats.

After the applicant submitted an appeal, the flooding and bats reasons were dismissed but the refusal was upheld – with reasons including the effect on the Solent and Southampton Water.

The Methodist Church Hall has been used as a church and nursery. Nevertheless, this use has not been operational for at least nine years, during which time the building has been used for storage.

Now, the church has submitted a retrospective application for the same number of independent houses with private gardens, parking, and garages.

During the appeal process, the planning inspector said that the proposal would “bring back into use a vacant building currently in poor condition the target of vandalism, enhancing the appearance of the building and its immediate surroundings”.

If permission is granted, the existing access will be retained and widened at the site’s northwest corner at the junction of Spring Grove with School Road.

Neighbours have been submitting their comments about the proposed development. One of them is Nick Gibbons, who described the site as an “eyesore”, saying “it’s about time something is done”.

He added: “The building has fallen into disrepair over the years and has been victim to vandalism on many occasions.

“For this building to be turned into much-needed accommodation is an asset to the local community.”

Public consultation on the amended plan, which aims to address remaining concerns, is open until October 4.