A Southampton man has been sentenced to seven years in prison after being found guilty of supplying heroin and crack cocaine.

Kebba Faye, 31, of Carpathia Drive in Southampton was found guilty of both offences following a four-day trial at Portsmouth Crown Court on Friday, August 16.

At the same court on Friday, September 6, he was sentenced to a total of seven years in prison.

It follows an incident on March 5, at 5.15pm, when officers from Portsmouth’s Priority Crime Team spotted two people acting suspiciously on the corner of Britannia Road North, Portsmouth.

It was suspected that they were waiting to purchase drugs.

Faye was then seen a short time later interacting with one of the people who had been previously spotted before leaving in a different direction.

He was then seen entering an address on Talbot Road for a matter of minutes before exiting again.

Officers then tried to stop Faye in the street, before arresting him when he tried to flee the scene.

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A sock containing 30 to 40 wraps of suspected class A drugs and £400 in cash were recovered along with a phone.

PC Sam Davy from Portsmouth’s Priority Crime Team said: “Faye’s sentence is a direct result of the proactive work being undertaken by the Priority Crime Team in the city to disrupt the supply of drugs.

“We will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in the city. Our message to those involved in the supply of drugs is simple. We will relentlessly pursue you until you face a day in court if you take part in similar activities.

“Drug supply causes harm and misery to our communities and we will continue disrupting it and making sure that our city is a hostile environment for drug dealers to operate in.”

“We encourage anyone who suspects drug related activity to be taking place in their neighbourhood to report it to us. Every piece of information helps us to build a stronger intelligence picture and allows us to take action.”