More than 150 suspected cannabis plants have been seized as a drugs factory was raided in Gosport.

A 64-year-old man was arrested after Hampshire Constabulary stormed the property, on Ashburton Road in Gosport, on Saturday at 11am.

Neighbours had reported a strong smell of cannabis in the Alverstoke area, police said.

The force said that more than 150 cannabis plants were located inside the home, along with a 64-year-old man who was subsequently arrested.

A spokesperson for the police said: “[A PCSO] noticed an increased number of calls regarding a strong smell of cannabis around Alverstoke.

“With only a rough area to go on he dragged Sgt McCarthy away from his desk to see what they could find.

“After walking street to street, they soon picked up the scent and narrowed it down to one address.”

Officers approached the home and said that a man came to the window and quickly disappeared from sight.

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The spokesperson added: “Some very persistent knocking by Sgt McCarthy and PC Keely followed and the resident realised the police were not going away and decided to open the door.

“Not to our surprise, due to the smell, we had uncovered a rather large cannabis grow taking up a number of rooms with more than 150 plants.

“One male arrested for cultivation of cannabis.”

A 64-year-old man was arrested by police on suspicion of being concerned in the production of cannabis.

He has been bailed until December 14 while the police investigation continues.

Police also took the time to address those that believe cannabis production is not a big issue.

The spokesperson continued: “This was within a very short distance of an infant school and the smell had already caused concerns there.

“The electrics, which had bypassed the meter, presented a massive fire risk and it funds organised crime.

“A great result that started with calls from our community and good old fashioned determined police work.”