Almost 100 new cadets from Warsash Maritime School were taken on a tour of Southampton Docks.

The trip on the Blue Funnel boat "Ocean Scene" was part of their induction week.

The tour was organised by the Southampton unit of the national charity, the Maritime Volunteer Service (MVS).

Steve Collins, head of the Southampton MVS unit, said: "I was delighted to be invited to talk to new cadets arriving in Southampton from all over the UK and the world for their induction week."

The students were informed about the city's world-class commercial port and rich maritime history.

Mr Collins believed the best way for them to appreciate this was from the water, leading to the chartering of the Ocean Scene.

Matthew Stewart, deputy director of Warsash Maritime School, joined the cadets on the trip.

He said: "What an incredible way to finish our cadet induction week, a huge thank you to Steve Collins and the MVS for making this happen."

The MVS has been providing small boat handling experience on the water for cadets to supplement their academic and vocational training at the university.

The initiative aims to give the cadets a practical understanding of the maritime industry and the importance of Southampton's port.