A sustainability leader has been recognised as one of the UK's rising stars.

Ordnance Survey's sustainability lead, Ella Cowen, has been selected as one of media brand edie's 30 Under 30 Class of 2024.

This programme highlights young talents making significant strides in sustainability across the UK.

Ella, 28, from Cornwall, has been instrumental in reducing Ordnance Survey's carbon footprint.

She has overseen the installation of solar panels and transitioned the head office on Adanac Drive, Southampton, to 100 per cent LED lighting over three years. The office, designed 12 years ago, also uses ground source heat pumps and a rainwater collection system, which  helps reduce local water demand.

In three years, the company has grown its fleet from a few electric vehicles to 115 fully electric and nearly 150 plug-in hybrid cars, aiming for 100 per cent electric by the end of 2027. The use of electric chargers has already avoided producing more than 180 tonnes of greenhouse gases.

Ella is also leading several projects to boost biodiversity on-site, including a wildflower meadow, bug hotels, and a new pond supporting a diverse ecosystem. Last year, six formal flower beds were converted into allotments for employees to grow herbs and vegetables for the kitchen.

Ella, who has been at OS for four years, said: "I am thrilled to have been selected. We’ve been working hard on sustainability at OS and it's wonderful to be recognised for the exciting work delivered over the past few years at Ordnance Survey. This is a great opportunity for me and for OS, being able to network with a community which is passionate about the same goals as well as getting more inspiration on how we can further our initiatives - I can't wait!

"I love it at OS. Being able to work for an organisation that’s so well-known brings more energy into my role because I think what I do here can make a difference. We only have one earth to live on and we need to be protecting it now for ourselves and for future generations."