Southampton City Council has approved a plan to lease a property to house people in need of emergency accommodation.

The decision was made by the council's cabinet on Tuesday, October 17.

The property, which consists of 16 studio flats, will be used for emergency nightly paid accommodation, while eight additional studio flats will be used for temporary accommodation for three years.

The council said this move is part of a broader effort to improve housing solutions for those at risk of homelessness. The council is required by law to provide temporary accommodation for homeless households in certain situations.

The number of homeless households seeking help from the council has increased by 64 per cent since 2019-20 and by 14 per cent in the last year alone. The council has said this increase, combined with economic disruptions, has led to more households being placed in temporary accommodation.

This has resulted in significant costs for the council, as emergency accommodation, including bed and breakfast and nightly accommodation, is expensive. The council believes that leasing a property for emergency accommodation will help reduce these costs.

The property will provide the council with emergency accommodation at a reduced unit price. The council said the approval will allow it to establish eight additional units of temporary accommodation for longer-term placements.

Councillor Andy Frampton, cabinet member for housing at Southampton City Council said: "Cabinet has approved this decision to enter into a lease agreement for a property that helps meet the rising demand for emergency and temporary accommodation which is an issue that many local authorities are having to deal with.

"Financial pressure has been placed on local authorities because the subsidy level that we have been able to claim for these households has unfortunately been held by the last government at the equivalent of the 2011 Local Housing Allowance.

"We will continue to assist those families that approach the council with a request for temporary emergency accommodation. The council will always meet its legal obligation in this regard."

The council has not disclosed the location of the property due to the sensitive nature of its use.