Photos have shown more demolition work in Townhill Park as blocks of flats are being torn down after years of delay.

Three uninhabited blocks at Rowlands Walk and two at Benhams Road are being knocked down as part of Southampton City Council’s Townhill Park regeneration project.

As reported, plans for the regeneration were first announced in 2011, however initial plans were stalled due to financial issues.

In the more than a decade since the plans were first announced, only 56 homes out of 665 have been regenerated.

But the project has continued to progres, with diggers at work on the buildings on Wednesday.

READ MORE: Demolition of flat blocks at Townhill Park finally starts

Demolition work, funded by the Brownfield Land Release Fund and carried out by Hampshire Environmental Services Ltd, will include removing asbestos from the buildings. 

The demolition of the flats is scheduled to be completed sometime this winter.

New homes are set to be built on the Benhams Road site, along with additional homes situated directly opposite on Meggeson Avenue, where a pub and shops were formerly situated before closing.

An announcement on Rowlands Walk is expected after developers have evaluated the site in October.