An Eastleigh site manager has won a national award for his work.

James Berry, 39, was recognised in the National House Building Council's (NHBC) Pride in the Job Quality Awards for his efforts at the Hounsome Fields development in Basingstoke.

The awards celebrate exceptional site managers across the UK.

The development, where Mr Berry works, involves properties built in a joint venture between Wates Group and Vistry Group, under its Linden Homes and Bovis Homes brands.

Mr Berry, who started in the construction industry as an apprentice bricklayer at the age of 18, joined Bovis Homes nine years ago as a site manager.

He previously won the award in 2021 for a different phase of the same development and went on to gain a Seal of Excellence.

Most recently, he has been overseeing the construction of the Linden Homes part of Hounsome Fields, which is now complete.

Mr Berry is set to take on a new role as a project manager, meaning he will not be eligible for the Pride in the Job awards next year. He said this spurred his team on even more to support him in gaining the award this year.

Mr Berry said creating an environment where everyone working on site gets to know each other and understands the high expectations means that they meet those standards because they do not want to let their colleagues down.

The Pride in the Job Quality Awards are organised by the NHBC to recognise the efforts of exceptional site managers at developments all over the country.

Mr Berry said: "My overriding feeling is for the guys on site and how proud I am of the site team.

"The team were so happy and even though it’s a site manager’s award they were happy for me and for the site. They said, ‘we felt we wanted to do it for you’ and that was nice to hear.

"On a personal level from seeing the site just as a field to seeing families move into a house they love, there’s great satisfaction in that and even greater satisfaction now."